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Thursday 28 May 2020

Oracle Named a Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Multichannel Marketing Hubs

Gartner named Oracle a Leader in their 2020 Magic Quadrant for Multichannel Marketing Hubs for the third time since the report’s inception three years ago. For the report, Gartner analyzed 19 vendors across 15 different Evaluation criteria based on Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision. We believe this evaluation recognized the continued strength of our marketing stack and the new capabilities we’ve been developing to help marketers meet the ever-changing needs of their customers.

"Multichannel marketing builds relationships by responding to expressed and implied customer needs through relevant, connected engagements to targeted audiences. Success requires data-driven insights into customer behaviors and interests, goals, and needs. It also requires knowing how channels operate most effectively — in isolation and in unison — to deliver the right content to the right audience at the right time. To achieve organizational growth goals, marketing leaders require tools and talent to capitalize on the customer intelligence their teams gather."

Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant for Multichannel Marketing Hubs
  Data management stands out in multi-channel marketing

More and more, customers expect businesses to tailor their experiences to individual preferences – to meet on the right channel at the right time with the right content. Connected, actionable customer data plays an integral role in this. We recognized this early on and invested heavily in developing the right technology to help marketers manage, unify, enrich, and activate high volumes of data. These capabilities are what empowers marketers to really understand who their customers are and what their preferences are. Without that, it becomes difficult to personalize customer experiences.

But successful marketers do more than aggregate data. Meaningfully leveraging that data at scale is just as challenging. Per our view Gartner agrees and notes that standout MMH vendors are the ones developing artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities that surface key insights and next best steps for marketers. Vendors investing heavily in these capabilities help marketers quickly understand and optimize their reach and effectiveness. To that end, Oracle has and continues to develop best-in-class data-driven marketing capabilities, as the market drives toward increasingly personalized customer experiences. These trends ultimately drive customer-focused innovation; MMH vendors should help marketers stay ahead of the rapidly evolving curve.

Our greatest benefit is our partnership with customers

We’re honored that Gartner’s named us a Leader. Yet, we know our biggest advantage is due in large part to the footprints we have in different industries and different regions, with successful, high-growth SMBs and the largest and most sophisticated marketing organizations in the world. Tackling a wide variety of unique challenges energizes us and drives our leadership and innovation. If you’re a marketer looking for a partner to help you overcome marketing obstacles and elevate your customer experience, we’d love to hear from you!

Read the report.


Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Multichannel Marketing Hubs, Noah Elkin, Benjamin Bloom, Mike McGuire, Colin Reid, Joseph Enever, 12 May 2020

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This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from [insert client name or reprint URL].

Oracle as a Leader in Magic Quadrant for Multichannel Marketing Hubs 2018 - 2020


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